Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Arno and Eneko

Sister Barlow, me and Sister Wayas on the beautiful lagoon beach on Arno

A beautiful white sands beach on the lagoon in Arno

Elder and Sister Barlow, and Elder and Sister Wayas took one last trip.  We headed out to Arno and  stayed over night at a little hotel in Arno Arno.  It was really fun. Jeffersen   also came with us

On the boat going to Arno

It was a really fun trip

 Carey took us on his boat.  We fished all the way over.
Arno is not very populated
Jeffersen's catch
The dock at Arno Arno

Beach house  on the lagoon at Arno Arno Jefferesn and Elder Barlow stayed there

Beautiful sunset

Sunset on the lagoon

Sunset in Arno

house in Arno Arno

We walked along the lagoon

Along the lagoon

The road to the end of Arno Arno

We arrived in Arno and some of the people from  the little hotel met us with wheel barrows to take our suitcases about a mile down the small dirt road to Arno, Arno.  We walked along with them.  We stayed in a house that had a small kitchen, bathroom, and several beds with  screened in big windows.  We could have stayed at another place closer to the beach (see below picture)  For dinner we fixed fish that we had caught on the way over.  We were able to relax, watch a beautiful sunset.  and enjoy each other's company.   The next morning, we went walking on the beautiful white sands lagoon beach.  After breakfast the guys went out fishing and the girls started walking to another town 35 miles away. We didn't realize it was that far and thought a truck would come by to pick us up.  It finally did and we rode to a special celebration on the other end of the atoll

Great memories of Arno
 Later we met the guys back at the dock.  We returned to Majuro and fished all the way back.  The open seas were a lot calmer than the last time we were there. What a wonderful trip and way to end our mission.  Elder and Sister Barlow left a few days after we got back.  Elder and Sister Wayas left two weeks later and I left three weeks after the trip
On the lagoon

A group of women in a Salvation Army truck picked us up and gave us a ride to another city about 35 miles away.  It took us over an hour on a very rough road.  There are three trucks on the Arno Atoll

We started to walk from Arno Arno to another town but met this truck
 We also went snorkeling, met lots of the people and talked to them about the church.  Some said they were members or had family that were members.  A few months later missionaries were sent to Arno.
The senior missionaries all took a trip to Eneko and had a good time.

Elder and Sister Barlow

Elder Gardner, me Sister Barlow, and Elder Wayas

The boat

Senior missionaries:  Me, Elder and Sister Gardner, President and Sister Weir, Elder and Sister Wayas, Elder and Sister Barlow, Elder and Sister Johnson

The last Zone Conference

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